About Us

Helping Tweens & Teens AND the ones who love them!!

Do you have a Tween or a Teen with problem skin?

Are you finding this stage a bit overwhelming?

I’m here for YOU! I made SKIN STUFF just for YOU! And your teen is going to love you for it!

I’m Micah, the creator of SKIN STUFF AUSTRALIA.

I’ve been a skin therapist for 28 years and I’m a mum to 3 teenage boys.

I’ve been prescribing professional skincare to teens for many years but suddenly with 3 teenage boys in my household I gained a whole new perspective on PROBLEM SKIN …

I gained THEIR perspective.

I saw all the PROBLEMS first hand and I thought...'how are the Mums who are not professionals handling all this?!!'

Around the same time, many friends and clients had fresh teenagers of their own, all with various stages of Teen skin problems and all desperately wanting HELP!

“What do we need?”

“Where do we start?”

“The choice is so ...overwhelming”

“It has to be easy or they won’t use it”

“It has to work or they wont use it” 

Then in 2020 COVID hit, I hibernated my Beauty Therapy practice and got to work designing the perfect skincare range for Tweens and Teens with problem skin

… and so SKIN STUFF was born